
Coretalents are: Nature + Potential + Intrinsic Motivation: want to avoid wrong choices or obtain self-knowledge quickly? With a coretalents analysis

  • you receive a nuanced view of your Character (or ‘who you are’) + Talents (or ‘what you could be’) + Motivation (or ‘what you want’)
  • you immediately know what drives you, gives you or costs you energy, and what your values are
  • the focus is on you as a person, not on the system
  • you are not reduced to a type or pigeonholed
  • you can make lifelong use of your report to be happier in your work, relationships, personal and professional development ...

A coretalents analysis reveals your character (personality or ‘who you are’), your talents (potential or ‘what you could be with training and/or practice’) and your motivation (desire, or ‘what you yourself want’) in a very detailed and nuanced way.

Not as a type like many others or squeezed into a box that only partially fits you. But a very precise and complete view of who you ARE, CAN BE and WANT TO BE. Also what drives you, what your values are and what gives or costs you energy, become crystal clear.

Make an appointment with a Coretalelents analyst for a coretalents analysis. You can even choose one that is a specialist, able to support your specific situation: study choice, career guidance, stress and burnout/boreout, high giftedness, HSP and so on.

This analyst will make all the arrangements with you: timing, rate, wishes…
You will then receive an e-mail from Coretalents asking you to complete the Coretalents questionnaire. It is enjoyable and takes about 20-25 minutes.

You then attend your appointment with your analyst. He or she will discuss the answers with you and tell you what your coretalents are and how they relate to each other, so that you know exactly who you are, what you could be and what you may want.

Your analyst will give you the report and, if you wish to, make a new appointment for further steps.

You can refer to this report all your life and make positive choices today you will still be happy with in 25 years!

Find your Coretalents analyst