Wat mag u verwachten nadat u uw studiekeuze voucher bestelde?

Wij maken een factuur op en mailen die jou toe, samen met de bestelde studiekeuze voucher.

De jongere wiens naam op de studiekeuze voucher staat mag contact opnemen met één van onze studiekeuze-experten en een afspraak inplannen. Onze studiekeuze-expert checkt even met ons de geldigheid van deze studiekeuze voucher. Onze studiekeuze-expert begeleidt de jongere zoals aangegeven bij de gekozen studiekeuze voucher. Voor wat betreft de extra oefeningen en tools gebeurt dit in gemeenschappelijk overleg zodat de jongere het maximum uit de coaching kan halen.

Na afloop van de coaching nemen we – mits voorafgaandelijke goedkeuring van de jongere – af en toe per mail contact op voor onze kwaliteits- en tevredenheidsopvolging.


Why choose with Coretalents?

Because then you know for sure that you are choosing a study that fits your personality, your potential and your intrinsic motivation!

To be sure that you choose a study that will help you take the right steps later on, even if you do not know today what they are or where they will lead you, the answer to this one question is crucial: 'Who am I? With that answer you can go one step further: 'what do I want?


What and how?

Introduction with your Coretalents-analyst and you fill in the online Coretalents questionnaire at home.

Going through the questionnaire: you discover your Coretalents profile!

Which coretalents are strong, which are half, small, how do they interact and what does this mean for your choice of study?

Depending on the appointment, an in-depth interview will follow and you will receive your lifelong valid coretalents report as a compass for all your future choices, as well as (a) follow-up interview(s)!

Find your Coretalents analyst

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Guide young talent yourself?

Would you like working with the best of the best because you have a passion for young people and talent? Excellent choice!

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