Marijke Ross


développement personnel teambuilding vitalité / bien-être orientation professionelle stress, burn- & bore-out


surdouance / haute sensibilité ressources humaines


Nederlands English

Hi there, welcome!

My name is Marijke (‘Marika’) and I’m passionate about helping people grow in confidence, authenticity and a sense of purpose and meaning.

The Coretalents Analysis is a powerful tool to help discover who you are, what your potential is, and what really gives you energy and fulfills you. Crucial insights to help you make informed decisions, e.g. about education or work. By gaining self-knowledge, recognizing your potential and intrinsic motivation you can determine how you want to make your unique, meaningful contribution to this world.

About me:

After my studies in Biology (Wageningen), I worked abroad as a volunteer, receiving my first training in counselling. Back in the Netherlands I worked for television on a counselling-related series. After additional training in counselling, NLP, and burnout recovery coaching, I started as self-employed counsellor in 2006. Also, in 2014 I completed a master’s degree in Work and Organizational Psychology in 2014. Most recently, I was trained as a Coretalents analyst in Antwerp.

My approach to counselling involves empathy, active listening, careful analysis together with you of your situation, needs and values, and exploration of specific tangible steps for moving forward.

The Coretalents analysis can be done on its own, or as part of a series of counselling sessions, e.g. when dealing with important life decisions, tough dilemmas, (personal) challenges at work, etc..

Whether you are dealing with a specific issue, need a sounding board, or simply want to discover your Coretalents: If I can help, let me know!

Contact Marijke Ross

Postbus 149
6720 AC Bennekom

+31 6 14 96 14 45