Tanja Bex

Coretalents expert

Coretalents studiekeuze-expert



personal development coaching study choice guidance loopbaancheque VDAB studiekeuzevoucher stress, burn-out & bore-out


giftedness / HSP young people education


Nederlands English

Welcome to Het Volkomen Kwadraat!

I have been fascinated by ‘Personal Development' all my life!

Growing in knowledge and growing as a human being makes me tick.

A person who experiences flow, because he is doing what makes him glow, is wonderful to see. Guiding people on their path to their maximum potential is therefore the inevitable consequence for me.

So, you can contact me for

*Study coaching Mathematics and Statistics, also for the highly gifted. Specialization entrance exam medicine.

*Personal development guidance based on the Core Talents Analysis & Coaching for (young) adults

Do you want to know what makes you tick, what makes you glow from the inside or what instead depletes your energy? Do you want to know which immaculate treasure of Core Talents you carry within? Consider yourself welcome for a Core Talents Analysis.

*Study orientation and study career guidance for pupils and students who are looking for a field of study that best suits their Core Talent Constellation or who no longer find their footing in regular education and want to create their own path.

Together we will look for what makes you flow and the (study) path that best suits your unique Core Talent Constellation. Instead of filling up the gaps so that you can meet the curriculum imposed from above, we start from who you are in the Core and we will be looking for the environment where you can excell.

Contact Tanja Bex
+32 498 085 217