Marijke Derèse
Coretalents expert
Terug Naar Werk psychological support personal development reintegration coaching loopbaancheque VDAB career guidance stress, burn-out & bore-outBackground
self confidenceLanguage
Everyone has an inherent blueprint that feels like the essence. If we stand in the world from our blueprint, the picture feels right: for others as well as for ourselves. Sometimes it is difficult to believe that.
Chances are that pain, a blockage or trauma from the past casts a shadow on your essence. Then we first make space for what needs healing.
Perhaps you have questions about what is possible in the present/future. You have lost faith in yourself, your abilities or what is possible in general. We explore together how your energy wants to flow in your life, work, connection with others, ...
You can also come to me for reintegration after long-term absence. Even if not all your energy is back yet or if you are still experiencing complaints, you can already start a reintegration process.
We map out who you are now and what you are still afraid of, but especially what you are naturally good at, what your energizers are. These aspects contribute to your recovery and self-confidence.
A reintegration trajectory can be an individual choice and/or a mediation between you and your employer to guide your return to work, which is experienced as a win-win by the different parties.
Whatever route we take, the focus is always on more energy and fun. A professional approach focused on growth with tools to discover and realize your potential.
Romain Steppestraat 88E bus 3
2890 Puurs-Sint-Amands