Manja Eland
giftedness / HSP entrepeneurs perfectionismLanguage
Nederlands EnglishAn analysis that results in an accurate picture of what you desire, would be able to do and what suits you regarding your 23 coretalents! When I did a coretalentanalysis myself a few years ago, I found the insights it provided so valuable that I decided to enroll in the training. I also love learning new things. General knowledge acquisition is one of my strongest coretalents.
As is aesthetic creativity by the way. In addition to working as a coretalentanalyst, I develop creative- and educational concepts. I’m a ’professional artist in the classroom’, trainer and illustrator. In recent years I have immersed myself in the psychology of high sensitivity, mindset and the courage to fail. At the beginning of 2023, I will complete my studies at Novilo where I’m training to be a talent counselor for gifted children.
You could call me a multipotentialite, but with a common thread: creativity as a goal and as a means, and encouraging people to be themselves in all their beautiful neurodiversity.
The coretalentsmethod is a fantastic tool to help you, being a quick-thinking creative, navigate a world of endless possibilities. It would be my pleasure to explore together what really gives you energy, so that you can experience more flow in your life.
I am based in Eindhoven and work both live and online. Meeting on location is also an option. I look forward to working with you!
Gashouderplein 32
6827 DK Arnhem