Lydie Aerts
personal development vitality / wellbeing study choice guidance loopbaancheque VDAB career guidance stress, burn-out & bore-outBackground
giftedness / HSP leadershipLanguage
Nederlands EnglishBeing exceptionally future-minded, easily getting to the essence of a problem and with great interest in humans, relationships, economy , investments, I want to help people in their unique development of career and well-being. I like complexity and keep searching towards a good solution, even if there are special challenges.
Issues: Careercoaching, personal leadership, study choice, stress- and burn-out, confidence, business
Preferred clients: proactive, creative, intelligent, sensitive people looking for a good guide to find their personal goals.
Style: development-oriented, solution-based, inspiring, creative, positive, intuïtive, analytical
Profession: talentcoach, mediator
Studies: Master in law, Counseling Existential Well-being, Intuïtive Development, Family Mediation,..
Values: positive, respect, confidence, coöperation, transparancy, carefull, open, constructive mindset: building up
Extra’s: www.alkeys.org