Joachim Willems
recruitment coaching organisation development career guidanceBackground
organizations human resourcesLanguage
Nederlands EnglishAs a master in philosophy with 25 years of experience in IT, I combine insights from the humanities, psychology and the Coretalents method with knowledge gained in the world of IT business and digital services, as a computer scientist and especially as a team coach. It is my ambition to optimally guide people in their career by giving them insights into their strengths and pitfalls, so that they can make the right professional choices. More precisely helping them chose what they really love to do.
Within Acolad Digital - a company that offers digital services to large companies - I perform CoreTatents analyses, I coach one of the technology teams, I develop our Talent Management policy in cooperation with the HR department, I assist in the mapping of candidates with internal leadership roles and I am jointly responsible for the recruitment of highly educated computer scientists.
9940 Evergem