Danielle Krekels
Coretalents expert
personal development recruitment career guidance studiekeuzevoucher stress, burn-out & bore-outBackground
giftedness / HSP entrepeneurs human resourcesLanguage
Nederlands Français EnglishI would like to be remembered as a generous, warm and capable person by the people I help in their lives. Inevitably, restricted by knowledge and capacity, this means I prefer focusing on the choices for Study for highly gifted young people and on Job coaching for adult highly gifted people who are MSc/PhD in engineering and science, and on entrepreneurs.
Within organizations I love using my expertise in HR-domains such as Recruitment & selection (I did discover the coretalents by accident while interviewing MSc in engineering for RSS), by avoiding and remediate burn-/bore-out, and in personal development.
By nature I am, unfortunately, quite impatient: it must speed up! I have a no-nonsense style that might appear to be undiplomatic at times – never because I want to hurt people, but because I don’t weigh my words on a scale (or only afterwards …).
Because I train new analysts, collaborate sometimes in projects in organizations, give all the in-depth days and even some masterclasses, I am a bottleneck with respect to time within our company: Coretalents. I only can do a limited Coretalents-analyses or coachings, but I still love putting my whole heart and soul in them!